About us

About WP Bison

WP Bison was created to bring all the best resources to you no matter if you work freelace or run a digital agency. We want to make your work easy, agile and professional.
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About us

Largest Plugins Marketplace

The world-leading marketplace for WordPress plugins. Home of the most popular scripts and plugins of all time

Licensed for Commercial Use

Our license reflects that all our plugins and assets are ready to use on unlimited number of websites for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Top Quality Reviewed Resources

We carefully review new entries from our partners to make sure they meet high-quality design and functionality standards.


3000+ Plugins From Top Devlopers

All the plugins are produced by world-class creators, quality checked by out team and widely used by our community.

3000+ Plugins One Click Purchase Secure Payment

3000+ plugins

Clear documentation available for all the 3000+ plugins created by brilliant professionals.

Personal and Agency

Our plugins and assets are licensed to use on unlimited number of websites for commercial purposes.

Trusted payment

Pay with Visa, Mastercard or PayPal processed in a Level 1 PCI compliant environment.